Coach Vermeil's 4-Step Guide to Staying Strong

Legendary former Philadelphia Eagles coach Dick Vermeil shares his pro tips

Coach Vermeil

Win or lose, the Philadelphia Eagles bring their heart and soul onto the field with them.

Dick Vermeil should know. He coached the Birds to the NFL Championship Game with a come-from-behind win against the Dallas Cowboys in January 1981. And even when they lose, the scrappy Eagles always fly.

Their secret? A combination of passion and preparation. “Staying strong is a big part of that,” Coach Vermeil says.

A key component to maintaining that strength? Being the quarterback of your own health, according to Coach Vermeil. “Take care of yourself — you belong to you.”

Here, he shares the inspiring practice techniques that keep him in shape, physically and mentally.

1. Define Your Vision

Coach Vermeil has always been a list-maker who continuously strives to create and work toward various goals in life. “If you’re starting a project, you have to define where you want to be when you finish,” he says. “If you want to be more physically fit by 2021, you can check yourself each month and give yourself a grade.

If you find yourself drifting, look at your list and get back on track. At the end of the year, you’ll feel a real sense of accomplishment.”

2. Develop Your Discipline 

Decide on a fitness program that works for you, and stick with it. For Coach Vermeil, that means a combination of the elliptical machine and weights. Whatever the routine is — from walking to swimming — he promises results if you stick with it.

“You’ll feel proud because you persevered,” he says. “You don’t have to be at the level of an NFL player, but make exercise a priority. There’s no correlation between working less and getting better.”

3. Eat Like a Champion

“Every morning, I fix myself a protein shake with lots of fresh fruit, and my wife and I talk about what we’ll have that night for dinner,” Coach Vermeil explains. He also treats himself to a daily square of chocolate with almonds or a glass of wine. The most crucial aspect of maintaining healthy eating habits? According to Coach, it’s understanding what those habits should be.

Talk with your doctor or enlist the expertise of a registered dietitian to develop a healthy eating plan that works for you.

4. Make Mental Health a Priority

Take frequent timeouts during the day to cultivate a sense of gratitude, honesty, and self-respect. “Bring your energy and passion to whatever you do, and enjoy every single day. Your emotional health is a big part of being all you can be.”

8 Important Screenings for Men

These critical tests can catch problems early to help keep you healthy and strong.


Why? Heart disease is the leading cause of death for American men.

  • Cholesterol. Get this blood test every five years — or more often if you’re at a high risk of a heart attack or stroke.
  • Blood pressure. Have yours checked at least once a year.
  • Abdominal aneurysm screening. Ask your doctor about this exam if you’re over 65 and have ever been a smoker.


Why? Men are at a higher risk of developing colorectal cancer. 

  • Colonoscopy. This test produces images of the entire colon and allows your doctor to remove any small growths found.
  • Flexible sigmoidoscopy. This test doesn’t require prep or anesthesia. If a growth is found, you’ll need a follow-up colonoscopy.
  • Stool test. This at-home test is simple and inexpensive, but if you have positive results, you’ll need a follow-up colonoscopy.


  • Why? Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in men. It can also be difficult to ward off viral diseases as we get older. 
  • PSA. This test checks your blood for a protein called prostate-specific antigen (PSA), an early signal that you may have prostate cancer. 
  • STD testing. These blood tests are recommended by your doctor. Have an open conversation with your doctor when deciding which screenings to have.