Side Dish

Healthier Black-Eyed Peas

February is American Heart Month and Black History Month—honor both by making a heart-healthy version of a traditional African American dish. These black-eyed peas are high in fiber, calcium, and vitamins A, K, and C. Don’t forget to pair with our healthy sautéed collard greens.

Healthier Sautéed Collard Greens

February is American Heart Month and Black History Month—honor both by making a heart-healthy version of a traditional African American dish. This collard greens dish is high in fiber, vitamin C, potassium, iron, and vitamin K, making this dish heart- and bone-healthy, diabetic-friendly, and great for digestion. Don’t forget to pair with our healthy black-eyed peas!

Sweet & Savory Cranberry Compote

This tasty compote is easy to make! In as little as 10 minutes, you can impress your friends and family with this fancy-looking treat. It can be added to cheese and crackers, used as a glaze for meats, drizzled on desserts, or mixed into your breakfast oatmeal or yogurt!